How much does God direct your daily activities? Prayer is the way we communicate with Him, and it can come in many forms depending on purpose, personality, and more. And while I heard about prayer from an early age, I did not receive focused teaching on the relationship aspect of it until my late twenties. I have found that the older I get – and the more I pray – the more my relationship with Jesus continues to grow and evolve. I am continually grateful for the pastor that God led us to in 1997. William Sciscoe walked in the Spirit and taught us to do the same, which prepared us for a greater understanding of spiritual authority. Knowing these concepts have brought clarity to our Kingdom work that we would not have had otherwise.

But today, a few questions are pressing in on my mind. Do we allow Him to direct every step of our days? When I enter my dedicated time of devotion in the mornings, am I asking Him what He wants me to do that day? Or am I asking Him to help me with all the things I have planned. Obviously, unexpected things occur that can waylay our intended tasks. But does Jesus have carte blanche (unconditional authority, or full discretionary power) to order our calendar? If the answer is yes, do we also grant Him the right to speak and redirect our daily plans?

I would like to say that of course, I have always allowed the Lord complete liberty with all things. But some dates on our calendar are set months in advance out of necessity. Is He allowed to simply “walk in and turn everything upside down?” I will confess that several people whom I highly respect, and who are known to walk in the Spirit, have made giving Him this power clearer to me over the last month. I want my relationship with Jesus to be so close that He can reorder whatever He wants, however and whenever He needs, without any pushback whatsoever from me. How else can I be sure I am truly doing what He intends for me each day?

It all comes back to prayer. Jesus, I want your voice to have more clarity than ever before. I know this will come as I dive deeper into my personal time with You. I choose to give you permission to take over everything – even my calendar.

Sister Alphin