3rd Quarter 2018
Let developing a life of prayer become a passion with you.
Plan your day with prayer included. If you have a busy day planned, get up an hour or two earlier or stay up an hour or two later. Never let a day go by without spending time with God. Guard your prayer time carefully and jealously. These are your special times with God. Let nothing and no one steal your time that you have set aside to be with God. Do this and you will grow very quickly in prayer.
Read all the books you can on prayer and seeking God. Some will be excellent and some will be mediocre but you can always glean something from them if you are hungry enough. Of course, you will want to read your Bible daily. He will speak to you through His Word and you will see the many rewards of prayer and be inspired to seek God and His glory.
God to send you a mentor when you are ready. I prayed, studied, and sought God for eight years without someone to teach me. When the time was right, He sent a man of God to teach me what I could not learn on my own. I entered a whole new level of prayer. Don’t worry about where you will find him or her, God will bring him or her to you when you are ready. Somewhere there is someone who is sensitive to God and will teach you.
BOOK SUGGESTION: God’s Power Is for You by Wesley Duewel (Available on Amazon)
~Cheryl Craft