1st Quarter
St. John 1:21-51
In this passage we read of John the Baptist meeting Jesus. As we carefully read the passage, we hear John saying, “I did not know him”. He only knew that Jesus would be revealed to Israel. Toward the end of the passage we see Jesus talking to Nathaniel. Nathaniel asked Jesus, “How did you know me?” Jesus replied, “I saw you sitting beneath the fig tree.” Jesus saw him before Nathaniel saw him.
John did not know how it would happen that he would meet Messiah. He only knew that he was to preach repentance to prepare the way of the Lord and that baptism was a part of his calling. In the process of obedience to his calling, he met Jesus.
Often, we only have an inkling about our calling, but if we follow it, doing what we know God wants us to do, like John, we will meet Jesus.
We know we should pray more consistently in this new year. We also know that we are called to prayer. May we obey and follow on to know the Lord.
Let this be the year we meet Jesus in prayer. Follow the call of God on your life to pray. We may ask as Nathaniel did, “How did you know me?” Jesus’ reply will be, “When you were busy with life, I saw you and called you to know me and see greater things than you ever have before.”
Let this be the year that we answer the call to prayer and see Jesus working daily in our lives as we seek him.
Get acquainted with Jesus this year, and this year will be the best you’ve ever had.
Cheryl Craft
Book Suggestion: The Book on Prayer by Ken Gurley (available at Amazon)