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Helpers of Joy | European Prayer Commission

We all have shouldered roles that did not fit quite as comfortably as we would
like. “Teacher,” “administrator,” or “public speaker” may not suit your personality, but
the apostle Paul mentioned a position anyone can fill. Not that we have dominion over
your faith, but we are helpers of your joy (2 Corinthians 1:24). “Helpers of joy,” what a
great assignment!
I have said, “I feel so helpless. All I can do is pray.” That may be, but “all I can do”
can affect any situation significantly. Prayer brings the power of God into a dilemma and
thus helps someone’s joy. I know prayer holds an important place in your life, so how do
you become a “helper of joy” through prayer? I see four ways we can do this.
The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to
speak a word in season to him who is weary (Isaiah 50:4). This prophecy concerning
Jesus gives us an example of a job we should do, that of a “courier.” As a child of God
prays over a need, a verse of Scripture or encouraging word may come to mind. This
inspiration represents the help a brother, sister, or seeker needs. The Lord wants us to
be His messengers.
Sometimes we need to support someone simply as a “carrier.” Bear one another’s
burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). As we present a circumstance to
the Lord in prayer, its heaviness may cause us to weep and feel the weight that presses
God’s heart or that of a grieving person. Let us not fear the load but willingly lift it for
the kingdom. If this extends to listening to another’s hurt and praying with him or her,
the assistance along the journey to joy looks even more like Christ.

Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for
him by the church (Acts 12:5). Even when we cannot interact with a need in person, we
can be “conductors,” letting the Holy Spirit flow through us effectively to the place or
person in trouble. No wall, law, or force can stop a prayer guided by the almighty God!
And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick,
and healed them (Mark 6:13). Jesus may put us on location to be “conduits,” vessels
through which His love and victory flow. As we pray in that case, we should expect the
Lord to fulfill His Word and resolve the difficulty.
[I make] mention of you in my prayers: . . . that you may know . . . what is the
exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe (Ephesians 1:16-19). As you
pray, ask Jesus to show you how to help someone’s joy wisely, as a courier, carrier,
conductor, or conduit. He will do it!

Bethany Sledge