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Meet Me at the Door | European Prayer Commission

“Several years ago the freedom to pray in the public schools of America was taken away by law. Those who wanted to pray at the beginning of their school day chose to meet outside the school building at a designated place. They chose the flagpole. This idea quickly became popular, and we saw newspaper photos of praying students holding hands around the school flagpole. When students called to each other, “Meet you at the pole,” it was understood that they were to gather there to pray. “

Exodus 33:9-10

Several years ago the freedom to pray in the public schools of America was taken away by law. Those who wanted to pray at the beginning of their school day chose to meet outside the school building at a designated place. They chose the flagpole. This idea quickly became popular, and we saw newspaper photos of praying students holding hands around the school flagpole. When students called to each other, “Meet you at the pole,” it was understood that they were to gather there to pray.

Centuries ago God established a meeting place for prayer. It was not a flagpole, but the door of a tent. God told Moses to meet Him at the door of the tabernacle, and He would speak with him there. When Moses stepped into the door of the tent, the presence of God filled the doorway as a cloud, and God talked with Moses. (Ex. 33:9-10)

In the doors of tents, tabernacles, and homes, miracles took place. Abraham was sitting in the door of his tent when the Lord appeared to him. (Gen.18:1) Sarah heard the promise that she was to bear a son as she stood in the door of the tent. (Gen. 18:10) At the door of the Tabernacle Aaron and his sons were washed with water, offerings were made, God met and talked with Moses, giving him instruction for the people.

Relationship takes place at the door. “My Beloved extended his hand through the opening of the door…” (Song 5:4-5)

In the New Testament we read: “And all the city was gathered together at the door, And He healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils…(Mark 1:33-34)

This shows us that there is a door of entrance into the Spirit of God. I would like to call this door, the door of awareness.

In the beginning God and Adam had an open door policy, communing together as kindred spirits. When Adam disobeyed God, the barrier of sin blocked the door of awareness. We read about the “voice of God” walking through the garden calling to Adam, knocking at the door of Adam’s awareness. It is also true that He is calling out to men today to become aware of Him. John writes, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and sup with him and he with Me.”

In this new year determine to listen for God’s voice, meet Him at the door of spiritual awareness and enjoy His company.

~Cheryl Craft