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THE UNSEEN EVIDENCE | European Prayer Commission

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews
Many times man wants to see before believing.That is not the way it should be for us
Christians. Faith is believing in what God has promised before even seeing it come to
pass. Faith is to do what God has asked us to do without the certainty of knowing how it is
going to be. Faith is asking for healing and believing before seeing the results that God
has done. Faith is also accepting God’s “no”. Faith is to ask for a job and then thank God
for the job before ever getting it. Yes, faith is the substance of the things that we hope for,
before we ever see them. It is the unseen evidence.
Faith in God is to trust Him even when God answers differently than what we asked or
hoped for. In Hebrews chapter eleven, what we like to call the chapter of faith, we read that
many Christians suffered for their faith. Many were killed for their faith. Many were tortured
for their faith. And yet, they did not deny God and His power. Why? Because their eyes
were not on things on this earth but on heavenly things, on that destination with Jesus that
is called eternal life.
The Word of God in Philippians 4:6 says:
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known to God.”
I remember a time in my life when me and my husband had a great financial need. One
day while praying, I had a vision where God showed me a huge hand that seemed to
come down out of the sky and in this gigantic hand was a check with the amount of money
we needed written on it. I believed that God had heard my prayer and that one day we
would receive a check with that amount of money. It did not happen the next day. Not even
the next month, or the next year. But years later, when we were wondering when God
would answer this prayer, the answer came in a most unexpected way. God had shown
me and I had believed. In His time it came to pass.
We must have faith in God for our needs and after we have presented our requests to
God, we must thank God for His answer, whatever the answer that He gives us. This is to
have faith in God. This is believing in the unseen evidence of God’s answer. This is faith.

Kathleen Pio Arcidiacono